Sunday, 9 February 2014

Well i,ve been trying to learn multiplicity for a long time now , finally i,ve gotten a hang of it.. Photoshop is a beast :)

My subjects here are Ore my Partner and his cute younger sister

 I hope y'all like it tho ;).
Feel free to drop your comments and criticisms

Thursday, 6 February 2014

I,ve been telling Ore to go into product photography since but the nigga is claiming portrait photographer lol. Sha one of our friends williams 'The baddest chef' who cuurently works for chef fregs who is one of the chef judges for the knorr talent quest came through as our model while ore did some product photography, all the picures were taken and retouched by Ore.
Ehn Danshiki swagg!! lol

Really dope stuff, y'all should advise ore to go into product photography
Holla at him on twitter @i_am_orizle
Im soo sad i couldnt make it for this shoot because i was feeling the babes gele lool , well my partner Ore Onanuga had a shoot with this modella tayo he did well bah .Feel free to drop ur comments and criticisms too.chao

 The Ugly looking nigga below is ore , really ugly looking abi ,too bad its not his fault sha lol well thats my partner and co-founder of CLA holla at him on twitter @i_am_orizle
But im still feeling the girls gele o.
I helped one of my friends 'ifedayoh' a bad ass graphic designer and face painter last year during the TVC childrens fiesta to take pictures of some of his works , then Vector Tha Viper 'the Dopest rapper in nigeria', Turned up then ore(my partner) urged me to test my skills lol, so i went over to take some pictures of him sha..if you dont know vector, i doubt if u wont sef click on the link here

Some of ifedayoh's works , did i tell you ifedayoh did our logo
to contact him just holla at me 08167430766

I try small na ; )..Holla at me on twitter @Ace_DBC
bb-2969b4c8 or call me 08167430766

Ok, me and ore did this shoot for my friend who is an upcoming designer ,her name's faith jegede very creative babe well one of her friends nneka whom i like to refer to as a future model also came through. Picking the location was a big problem though but we found a good place.Also bad ass dumebi of omg pictures came through it was stressful but fun.  : )

I hope y'all like them tho  ; )

Official opening

        Official opening of CLA,S blog. 

Well this is the first blog post on this blog and im gonna use this opportunity to introduce what CLA is all about.The full meaning of CLA is Camera.lights.action ,kudos to my partner and brother from another mother OreOluwa Onanuga for coming up with the idea of the name , we are not just another photography group pushed into photography by peer pressure (IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN).We are inborn creative artistes we like to call ourselves that and like artistes we like to create or produce our thoughts with the aid of a camera ,like artistes produce their ideas on canvas we produce our thoughts/ideas with the aid of a camera.
          CLA is not just a photography group we are trying to create a photography outfit/brand that 
    will host/manage photographers with talent and creativity feel free to contact us if you                         are interested 

  • Twitter-@Ace_DBC, @i_am _orizle
  • blackberry-2969b4c8
  • phone lines- 08167430766

 P.s.Our logo was designed by the legendury' ifedayo' bad guy!!!!!!